The path toward building a full-time career in surface design is a long and winding one. And as a self employed gal, you’re often travelling alone – you don’t know if you’re going the right way or making the right decisions.

At least that’s how I felt when I was new to art licensing. Besides the excitement from starting something new, I also felt a profound sense of anxiety and fear around nearly everything…
I don’t know what to charge. Will I be taken advantage of?
Is it too soon to exhibit at a trade show?
I don’t have the time to make enough new work!
There’s so many great artists – is there space for me?
Despite these fears, I took a step forward and made a decision. Then made another. And another. And over time it got easier; the path became much clearer and I knew which way to go. Fast forward to today and I’m grateful for every single part of that journey, but especially for the beginning when I was still working things out.
I’m also immensely thankful for the people who helped me along the way. To the mentors I sought out for advice. To my family and accountability partner who’ve always supported and encouraged me. And to the surface design community that gave me a space where I finally felt like I belong.
My journey thus far has taught me two life lessons:
- I am capable of WAY more than I realize.
- The journey is easier & more enjoyable when you have support.
And my guess is that both of these things are true for you too. And that’s why I started Sketch Design Repeat! To give you the support you need through your surface design journey and to be a champion of your progress. I want to empower you to build the self-employed designer life you dream of and challenge you to grow in ways you didn’t think were achievable.
Because your art deserves to be seen and there’s no better advocate for it than you!
Ready to get started? Here’s some of our most popular blog posts:
- Design: Photoshop vs. Illustrator: Which is better for surface design?
- Marketing: Email Pitching Tips from a Former Art Buyer
- Pricing: Art Licensing Royalties: How to Know You’ll Earn Enough
- Productivity: Make Your Design Time More Productive
- Creative Business: How to Protect Your Art on Instagram & Online