I’m proud to introduce this month’s spotlight designer, Audrey Dostes. It’s been a pleasure to watch her design style evolve over the past year – she’s proof that it doesn’t have to take forever to develop your skills.
Please Introduce Yourself
I’m from France and I live in Italy with my husband and my two daughters.
I always used to draw as far back as I can remember but started designing digitally in the early 2000’s as graphic designer.
Tell us a little bit about your design journey.
I always created handmade things, crochet, painting, diy…but started making pattern design during the first quarantine. I began to post my artwork on Instagram and to explore the world through Instagram because I saw people create beautiful stuff and I would like to be part of it!
And now thanks to a good organization and ideas mixing creativity and efficiency, I can now offer patterns with sophisticated and charming designs, specific to bed linen and home decoration.

What advice about the surface design industry has been most helpful to you in your career so far?
Finding your niche seems to be powerful advice, and this: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
When you look back at your design journey so far, what are you most proud of?
At the end of the day, I am happy when I have balanced my family life and my time spent creating and inspiring myself. I feel like a better mom when I’m satisfied with my job and I feel like a better designer when I’m satisfied to be a mom.

What advice would you give to surface designers who are struggling?
Practice, test, learn, and never give up
… then repeat.
Where can we find you?
Website: www.audreydostes.com
Instagram: @audrey_dsts

P.S. If you’d like to be featured on the SDR blog, you can always submit your story right here!