I have a profound amount of respect of any artist who continually experiments and works on their craft and Stacie, this month’s spotlight surface designer, is definitely one of those people! I’ve followed her design journey for the last few years and know you’ll find her art and story inspiring.
Please introduce yourself.
I’m originally from the Bay Area, and am now living in Santa Monica, CA. I’ve been a graphic designer since the late 1990s, but it’s only recently that have I begun to pursue art / design with any real intention.
Tell us a little bit about your design journey.

I started as a graphic designer in the marketing department of a financial institution. When I worked my way up to becoming manager of the department I realized the view wasn’t great! So, slowly I started taking drawing classes on weekends and French classes at night with the intention of getting a Master’s Degree in Art History so that I could work in museums.
After eight years of working in museums and galleries, in late 2018 I had the opportunity to take some time abroad. During that time I was able to go inward, listen to what I really wanted, and learn how to trust my gut, which was basically screaming: “You are an artist! Open your own design studio!” I have always loved prints and patterns but never once considered that there’s a person behind each of those patterns — and why couldn’t that person be me?
It was in 2018 that I officially learned the term “surface designer,” and I knew I was on to something. I came back from that trip with a twelve-month exit strategy out of the gallery world but instead, I took the leap after six months and started my design studio, The Lucky Bandana. Life is too short — when you know what you want, go for it.

When you look back at your design journey so far, what are you most proud of?
Leaving a stable career to open my own studio was exciting (a.k.a. scary) and felt a lot like free falling. But, I’m really proud of the fact that I trusted myself enough to know that whatever happens, I will figure it out. So far, it’s worked out better than ok.

What advice would you give to surface designers who are struggling?
KEEP GOING. Just keep going! Do one thing every day that moves the needle forward. You will get nowhere doing nothing, but even just a little a day really adds up. I promise, it’s the absolute truth!

Where can we find you?
Website: www.theluckybandana.com
Instagram: @theluckybandana
Stacie is an incredible artist and designer, but also an incredible person. So happy to see her in the designer spotlight!!