Please join us in celebrating this month’s spotlight surface designer, Kendra Medeiros. We know you’ll find her story inspiring!
Please introduce yourself.
I am from Hawaii. I value family with the utmost importance, I value time as our most precious commodity, and I value our talents as they are meant to be shared, and enrich and change the world around us for the better.
I have always loved drawing, creating, and using my hands. I’ve dabbled in watercolor, acrylic, oil painting, ceramics and pottery, and will continue to try new things that challenge my creativity.

Tell us a little bit about your design journey.
I started getting interested in a way that I could pursue my art after my my two children were at the age of 1 and 4 and I was itching to find something to do especially for me. 10 years after receiving my BFA I stumbled upon surface pattern design and thought this would be a great way to do my art with minimal set-up and clean-up with two toddlers running around. I have been a designer for 3 years now.

What or who are you inspired by?
I am inspired by my family and Hawaiian culture. My art portrays interpretations of native Hawaiian plants, and sea creatures.
Do you have resources you’d like to recommend?
Some recommendations for books I’ve read and courses I’ve taken that have impacted me and my art business in huge ways:
Books: Atomic Habits by James Clear, Essentialism by Greg McKeown, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, Show Your Work by Austin Kleon (Affiliate links)
Courses: Immersion by Bonnie Christine, Manufacture Awesome by Rebecca Jane Woolbright, Pitch Your Portfolio by Shannon McNab

What do you like to do outside of surface design?
Besides my most important calling in life as a mother and creating artwork and surface designs, I love to be out in nature. My favorite thing to do is beach-combing. Other than that, I am exploring the mountains with my family or hunting with my husband.
When you look back at your design journey so far, what are you most proud of?
Through my art and design journey thus far, I am most proud of my ability to keep pushing forward. Some of which is accredited to the immense support of my husband and family. As I continue to do at least one thing a day to move forward, I am able to see over time the great impact that those 15 minutes a day have had. I am proud of my consistency.

If you could offer advice to other designers who are struggling, what would that be?
My advice to anyone struggling is to show your work and share it. Use social media, take photos. It is the most nerve-racking thing. But it was one of the first things I did to build up my confidence!
Where can we find you?
Linktree: @hinurise
Instagram: @hinu_rise